Monday, November 26, 2007

Writer's Strike: Week 4

I'm used to the way DC operates: quick-pased everything and public opinion-poll dependent. Around here, many people can't walk down the street without an opinion poll telling them that 57.4% of Americans want them to walk with their hands in their pockets.

So it's about time that someone finally got around to polling Americans on their opinions on the writer's strike; a strike that is soon going to cripple my ability to procrastinate from grad work.

As I've talked about before, it appears that the writers are winning the PR front on the strike. All the videos and internet media outreach the writers have been doing appear to have helped them sway public opinion. 69% of respondents, according to the poll, believe the writers are being more honest and forthright than the companies.

Also interesting to come out of the poll is that 67% of the respondents believe people will watch less television as a result of the strike. 62% think we'll be watching more reality programs. Please don't make us suffer through 10 more Hilton-based reality programs?


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