Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tancredo dropping out


Damn, Damn

Damn, Damn, Damn

I'll be sorry to see Tommy go. Honestly. Between him, talking about how illegal immigrants are the root of everything that goes wrong in this country from led being used in children's toys from China to global warming, and Duncan Hunter talking about how when he was 10 years old he and his dad used to go hunting when he was 10 years old with his dad after he got his hunting license when he was 10 years old with his dad. Did I mention Duncan was fond of going hunting with his dad when he was 10?

So good luck Tommy, in what ever illegal immigrant-blaming job you take on next, that is if you decided to stop blaming illegal immigrant as a member of Congress.

Shift Happens

I'm sorry for the lapse in posts to all you faithful reader(s?) of you. It's been a pretty difficult month for me to post, so I apologize.

Anywho, I came across this video today. Give it a shot and watch.

It's always important to keep these things in mind whenever we talk about changing ideals and demographics in the country and world

Saturday, December 1, 2007

CNN/YouTube Debate Recap

Tyler over at The Wizard of Glover Park has good post game analysis of smackfest (as CNN is now calling it)

Read. Enjoy
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