Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We've come a long way, baby!

Aside from being the former crime capital of the country and every-now-and-again having crime emergencies, DC came out on top of a couple different lists of America's Favorite Cities.

Here's where we're tops:


Museum and galleries

1. Washington

2. New York

3. Chicago, Illinois



1. Washington

2. San Francisco

3. New York

Go us! Watch out Chicago. Next year the home design title is ours!


E said...

What? I disagree....DC can't take Chicago's home design title. And what about food....I'd argue that San Fran or New York have way better (overall) food than here.
But, other than that, DC, I suppose, has some pretty fab museums/cultural activities.

Anonymous said...

I'm still searching for decent pizza in this town.

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