Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The media and the public

For an assignment, we were asked to look at three sites news media sites and how they reach out to the public. Here are my findings:

The Washington Post: Pretty good job out outreach to the blogging community. They have a number of tracking options and generally put together a number of events to permit live interaction (such as frequent q&a sessions on various topics). They also have their own bloggers who will post throughout the day and on occasion (like during last year’s election cycle) will do video blogs.

MSNBC: Do a pretty good job of allowing people to comment on posts and articles. Additionally, they even have a substantial portion of their website devoted to blogs and blog-type content.

And finally…

Fox News: Not so good on the user-friendly outreach. While they do have a blogger section, it seems to be buried on the pager. Also, unlike MSNBC, they don’t allow users to comment on news stories.

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