Saturday, September 15, 2007

2008 VA Senate Race

Current Senator John Warner is retiring after his current term expires. And because in today's 'we-need-to-know-four-years-in-advanced-who-is-running-for-president' society, people are beginning to throw their names in the race. Right now, former VA Governor Mark Warner (no relation to John) has thrown his hat in the race. Current Republican representative Tom Davis (VA-11) is being coy right now about getting into the race, but most expect him to do so.

If this does happen, this will be one of the best Senate races to watch in 2008 (along with Minnesota...I think the Senate needs some humor). Warner is a very popular Democrat in a state that up until this past election cycle didn't generally elect Democrats. Rep. Davis is considered more of a liberal Republican. In a state with greatly changing demographics, this will be very interesting to watch.

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